This is my blog. I live in Portland, Oregon, where crows and roses abound, so that's what I'm calling the blog for now. I may change my mind.
The plan is to write about books I read, places I go, things I make, and perhaps the occasional cathartic rant. I hope you'll join me in thoughtful conversation and contemplation on literary whatnot.
My summer reading list:
Dead in Long Beach, California by Venita Blackburn
Such Kindness by Andre Dubus III
Deluge by Stephen Markley
The Stolen Child by Ann Hood
We Were the Universe by Kimberly King Parsons
Someday Maybe by Onyi Nwabineli
The Museum of You by Carys Bray
In an Instant by Suzanne Redfearn
Shell Shaker by Leann Howe
Singer Distance by Ethan Chatagnier
An Autobiography of Skin by Lakiesha Carr
The Unsettled by Ayana Mathis
The Alehouse at the End of the World by Stevan Allred
Alley Pond Park by Zachary Gordon
Simple Truths by Jon Hersley, Larry Tongate, and Bob Burke
Afghan Post by Adrian Bonenberger
The Lost Art of Reading Nature's Signs by Tristan Gooley
What I Can Do by Erik Wilbur
Dream of Xibalba by Stephanie Adams-Santos
We Meant to Bring It Home Alive by Armin Tolentino
Revoke by Joy Manesiotis
Looking forward to
The Magnificent Ruins by Nayantara Roy (preorder)
Sing Me a Circle by Samina Najmi (Trio House Press, 2025)
More soon!