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Galimafree, with or without the accent over the first "e," is the Middle French ancestor of the English word "gallimaufry," which means a hodge-podge or random jumble of things. In the 16th century, galimafree was a tasty stew. Here, it's a bunch of miscellaneous creative-type things I've been up to, alone or in the company of others.
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Click HERE to listen to a podcast recording of my fairy tale "The Ice Child," which appears in the cli-fi anthology Fire & Ice: Tales of Anthropocene (Black Lawrence Press 2021).


"The Ice Child" first appeared in print in Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale Magazine.

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Click on the book covers to learn more about my informative publications on aromatherapy and natural health.
aromatherapy for you and your child cove
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Click on the younger me for a link to a movie in which I die in the first 10 minutes. 








RIP, younger me.

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Click on the image for a link to a scholarly article based on my doctoral dissertation research that was published in Journal of American Indian Education. 








Interested in reading more? Here's a link to my entire dissertation.

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